A Lack of Vulnerability Brings About Relational Toxicity
A lack of vulnerability brings about relational toxicity.
If we're unwilling to be vulnerable because we're afraid of how others are going to judge us, we create a barrier in that relationship.
And then until we open up those doors, there's always going to be that barrier.
You may not know what it is, but you can always kind of feel it.
Now, let me say this.
Being vulnerable is not just drama dumping on everyone.
Being vulnerable is the definition of vulnerability, sharing where you could be hurt or exposed, just saying, "I need to do that."
And what I've realized, when we are vulnerable in relationships, we build a deep connection.
When we lack vulnerability, as this line says, as my thought says, we create relational toxicity because we're not sure why, but there's just something amiss.
We're never really connected.