Accepting Failure
Accepting failure is simply admitting that you have something to learn.
I listened to a podcast about the book called "Sometimes You Win, Sometimes You Learn" by John Maxwell.
In that book, he talks about the idea that in any situation, win or lose, if you go in with the mindset of, "I can learn something here," you're going to be better off.
Quite often, when we are afraid to fail, we don't want to put ourselves out there. We have to be vulnerable enough to say, "Man, I have something to learn."
Learning shouldn't be bad.
Learning shouldn't discredit you as a person, but just admitting we have something to learn means that we don't have it right or we're not doing it right, and that's kind of synonymous with failure. It's separating that from our opinion of ourselves or our ego to say, "Hey, I'm willing to go out there because, if nothing else, I have something to learn."
If you can go into a situation willing to fail and say, "Hey, I'm going to learn through this,” others are way more accepting of it. Trust me. I've seen it and I think about it myself.
If someone comes to me and they're willing to fail and yet learn, I'll do that all day long.