Finish Line
Great leaders never cross the finish line first.
That was a message brought to me this morning, and I want to share it again.
Often, we think a leader needs to go first. That's true. There are times that a leader needs to go first. Leadership is a dance where sometimes you lead, sometimes you follow, and sometimes you put out your arm and you walk with them.
That is leadership in essence.
If you're the one who says, "I have to get across the finish line first," sometimes what can happen is you can look behind you, and no one else is with you. It's your job as a leader to usher others across the finish line.
What can you do to get there and make sure everyone crosses the finish line together? That's when you've accomplished something great, when everyone is arm in arm crossing the finish line. That's when you accomplish things that change the world.
This week on the Impact Driven Leader Podcast, I interviewed Tom Morris and we discussed the transformative power of deep thinking and reading, and practical advice for building successful partnerships and fostering unity. I hope you’ll watch here!
Great leaders never cross the finish line first.
-Tyler Dickerhoof