Good Values Hold You
A friend of mine shared this with me, and he is the president of a very large mortgage corporation. I love their mission, and I love the founder. I've gotten to be friends with him and he shared this.
John Maxwell was there working with them, and he said, "When we hold good values, good values hold you." John Maxwell released a book called, Change Your World. It's been a book that I've loved to be a part of. It’s important to me because I want to make an impact and the transformation in myself has been amazing.
I realize that it comes back to values, and when we hold on to values and not get away from them, the playing out of values exemplifies those virtues that the values behold.
I think that's important. If we hold good values, good values hold you.
You can't profess values and live different choices.
So, as I share this with you guys today, I hope you can take a moment to stop and think about it. When you hold good values, man, you have them. You accept your shortcomings and say, "Hey, that value's important. I need to hold myself to that and have others hold you accountable."
Good values hold you.