We Don't Know What We are Capable of Until our Options are Limited

We don't know what we are capable of until our options are limited.

Think about it. You could go so many different directions. The world is your oyster, right? It's only when those options start to become limited, your proverbial back is against the wall.

You can go right, you can go left. Sometimes your only option is to go forward. You don't know what you're made of, you don't know what your strength is until your options are limited. That is when we can bind together in community, support each other to say, "Hey, I'm with you. Let's go.”

Just like an eagle would not be able to fly without the air around it, so too, we would not be able to be what we are without the challenges that we face. It's through strength and binding together with others that we can persevere.


You don't know what you're made of, you don't know what your strength is until your options are limited.

Just like an eagle would not be able to fly without the air around it, so too, we would not be able to be what we are without the challenges that we face.


To Build Anything, You Need a Structure or Foundation


Don't Be Afraid to Make a Fool of Yourself