Plan to Throw Out Your Plan

Plan to throw out your plan.

In other words, prepare, plan, have an idea, have a plan A, but know at some point, you're going to have to adjust and go to plan B, C, D, E, or F.

The leaders, the coaches, and the inspirers who can make adjustments at the right time, in the right way, are the ones that succeed.

They aren't the ones that have the most perfect plan put together at the start.

There is no such thing.

They're the ones that can go from plan A to Z in a short amount of time. They go through those plans, and have the preparation to know, "Oh, if this happens, what am I going to do next?" so forth and so on.

Just plan that your plan is going to get thrown out.


The leaders, the coaches, and the inspirers who can make adjustments at the right time, in the right way, are the ones that succeed.


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