Leading Must Be Done Through and With a Relationship
Leading must be done through and with a relationship.
You can't lead others without a relationship.
You can't lead without taking the time to understand who you're leading, why you're leading, what you're leading them for, and where they want to go.
Leading without a relationship is just dictating. It's just telling people what to do. It's not leading.
Leading must be done through and with a relationship.
When you have a relationship, you understand people and their desires, where they want to go, and how they can contribute. And if you don't, you're here one day, and gone the next.
The great driver for highly effective teams is people understand their ability to impact because there's a relationship; the leader has a relationship with them to understand them.
Leading must be done through and with a relationship.
I interviewed Mark Miller on the Impact Driven Leader Podcast and we talked a lot about building strong relationships. I hope you’ll tune in!