A Year in Review
Change is hard.
Change can be scary.
Yet without change, nothing can improve.
Change has been the scariest in my life when I’ve had to do it alone.
2024 was full of change, transformation and growth. I didn’t do it alone.
Rewind with me for a second: In 2017, one of my goals was to find a mentor; I was still determining what that would look like; Instagram had me, though!
After much consideration in the early months of 2017, an Instagram ad started a relationship that would forever change my world. Then, Kelley and I would partake in a year-long program with John Maxwell, his Executive Circle.
I was at a place where I needed to change. I needed to grow as a person. In my mind, I was all business. But nearly 4 years later, it wasn’t about “business” but about me.
Change is hard.
I had to come to grips with how I showed up to the outside world; as a new friend mentioned herself, my professed values did not match my actions.
I had to do work on the inside to make an impact on the outside.
John, his friendship, mentorship, and, most importantly, his belief in me made that difference.
Along the journey with John, I learned about Transformation Tables.
Transformation is accomplished when people of different skills and backgrounds come together to share in the change process by helping each other work through their perceptions, hurts, and assumptions to create a new place of understanding and growth.
I have been transformed by such relationships and have had the opportunity to help others in our business or with friends.
It is why I am so passionate about the process of growth happening through groups, aka tables. It has CHANGED MY WORLD. This is why I created the Impact Driven Leader community and the Roundtable.
I hope you’ll check out my latest podcast episode where I recap the year 2024 and touch on what’s to come in 2025. If you’re looking for a change or a mentor, I hope you’ll join me in my upcoming Roundtable, where a transformative group of leaders will come together and challenge each other to become the best leader possible in 2025.