BECOME the leader people want to follow

Real-World Training for Up-and-Coming Leaders Passionate About Making a Meaningful Impact

Tyler Dickerhoof walking down steps with backpack


Yet, what makes a great performer can hold you back as a leader – the skills are very different.

Leadership focuses on drawing out the best of your team to drive extraordinary results. Unfortunately, too many great performers are not ready for the workflow change that comes with leadership.

As a result, they bulldoze their team instead of influencing change within their organization. The new leader becomes defeated, overworked, and left with questions about their purpose and their future.


There are natural born leaders who just “get it.” That wasn’t me.

I was a great performer. Someone you could rely on to get the job done and keep achieving until we’ve reached extraordinary success. That type of drive is bound to get you on the promotion list. When I found myself leading people, I started to notice my skills as a performer created a huge liability in my leadership.

You may be able to relate. You’ve been given the promotion and now people rely on you to lead them well. You want to be an influential leader, but the skills you’ve relied on for decades can’t carry you through leadership — and you feel it.

It wasn’t until I began developing a different set of skills that I became the impact-driven leader I always wanted to be. That’s when I created for myself what I now call the “Awaken the Leader Within” Framework.

Tyler Dickerhoof speaking


Our proven 3-part process develops the real-world skills to become an impact driven leader. Explore one topic from one of the three categories:

Sun icon


Understand Your Barriers

Own How You Show Up

Identify Root Cause


For Yourself

With Others

For Others

Leaves icon
Arrow Icon


Clarity and Vision



Influence is a learned skill you can acquire

When you commit to leading well with the Impact Driven Leader Journey, you’ll become:

A healthy leader

You’ll feel more at peace with yourself and with those you lead.

Free to influence

Instead of feeling the need to perform,
you’ll experience freedom to influence.


You’ll operate from a place of abundance
and your team will be the first to benefit.

Equipped to lead

When you come up against a challenge,
you’ll have the tools you need to lead well.


You’ll be driven to draw out success within everyone around you.


Nothing will bring you fulfillment until you’re
living in your purpose— that starts now.

Since I’ve been involved with Tyler, life has looked completely different… [he] has great systems and a great community. I owe everything to him and I know I wouldn’t be in the same situation today without him.

Laura stevens

Become an impact driven leader

Coaching, Events, and Speaking for your next step toward impact driven leadership.

Coaching programs

Access our 3-part process in self-paced community coaching or a small group roundtable format.


Train your up-and-coming leaders to become impact driven leaders with practical guidance from Tyler’s keynote.

Annual summit

In-person Leadership Training and Mastermind Event hosted by Tyler Dickerhoof.

Tyler has been crucial in helping me discover underlying issues that have been holding me back in my business. [He has] truly tapped into my struggles while also empowering me and believing in me…

Rachael friesen

“I only know how to do things one way.”

The struggle of getting the position or starting the company only to realize that the job is leading people is real.

For me, I only knew one way of working: head down, bulldoze forward. When you’re leading a team, that method quickly leads to loneliness and ineffective work.

To get the results I need for my team, I had to change and fast. It’s my desire is for your learning curve is not nearly as steep as mine. That’s why I created “Awaken the Leader Within.” Get the course and allow me to walk you through this 9-week process so you can become the impact-driven leader everyone wants to follow!

Tyler Dickerhoof sitting on ground

about Tyler

Tyler Dickerhoof is a highly acclaimed mentor and advisor to entrepreneurs and executives on impact-driven leadership.

While building and leading an organization of over 175,000 people, Tyler and his wife Kelley became one of the top 5 income earners for Isagenix. They have more than 150 people in their organization who earn 6 figures every year and nearly a dozen million-dollar earners.

With a degree from Cornell University and over 20 years of experience starting multiple businesses that have generated more than $500 million in sales, Tyler is sought after by leaders who are working to get their teams to the next level. His Impact Makers Podcast has featured interviews with World Renowned Leaders like Jon Gordon, Brad Lomenick and Bob Burg. John Maxwell also recently invited Tyler to serve on his illustrious Network Marketing Advisory Council.

Whether it is as a Leadership Speaker for organizations like Gonzaga University or as the host of his own high level mastermind groups, he can help any entrepreneur or executive to create a larger influence and more meaningful impact with those they lead.”

Tyler Dickerhoof headshot

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