Goals as Stairsteps
Make your goals stairsteps, not destinations.
Life is an infinite game.
Whether you've read Simon Sinek's book or not, it just goes on, and on, and on, and what you want to do is be in the game. Be in the game of life, and understand that sometimes you’re ahead, sometimes you're behind. But, if you look at your goals as destinations, "Once I achieve this goal, XYZ will be accomplished," your life's going to end up meaningless at some point, because you'll be asking yourself, "What do I do next?"
If you look at your life and goals as stairsteps, you’ll find yourself saying, "Well, I'm going to come here and then next, I'm going to go there." It's an adage that a mentor shared with me that I've embraced as kind of a life model, "My floor today was yesterday's ceiling. My ceiling today is tomorrow's floor."
Another way said is, "My intention is to be better today than I was yesterday, going through the day to be better tomorrow than I am today."
That’s my encouragement to you. Make your goals stairsteps, not a destination.