Leadership Leads to Change Only When in Action

Leadership leads to change only when in action.

Leadership in and of itself is not a title. You can read a lot of great books written about that and understand leadership isn't a title. It isn't something you just attain by a position or experience. Leadership is brought about and displayed through action.

What are you doing to influence?

What are you doing to encourage?

What are you doing to actually share a vision?

Leadership is really three components. It's vision, it’s connection and it’s influence.

Through connection, our interaction, the ability to see other people, find out what desires they have, and mix the two together. Through that, they influence others to take action themselves.

It first starts with a vision.

It first starts with that action of I want a better something, I want a better world, I want better for myself. Sometimes desiring better for myself leads to better for others.

Leadership is action.

That's it.

Simple enough.

John Maxwell says leadership is influence.

Nothing more, nothing less. Influence comes by action. Take action today.


Leading With A Smile


Be an Idea Charity