Lift Others

The only way for you to get higher is to lift others.

If you want to accomplish more and be held in higher status, lift others if you want to make a bigger impact.

I've learned this the hard way. It's not about you. It's not about what you know. It's not about how you can say, "Oh, I know this, I know that." It's not how you can prove yourself. It's more of how you can uplift and encourage others.

How can you help others accomplish more? That's how you're going to find significance and find more for yourself because as you lift more, you lift yourself.

I've heard this, and this has been told, "The tide raises all boats."

You're not taking anything away from yourself when you encourage, when you pour belief, and when you show someone else that they're special at something. I guarantee you; I've learned this the hard way. You will not become less; you will become more.

It's amazing, it's exciting.


The only way for you to get higher is to lift others.

You're not taking anything away from yourself when you encourage, when you pour belief, and when you show someone else that they're special at something.


Acknowledge Others


To Build Anything, You Need a Structure or Foundation