Make a Difference for Somebody Each Day

Start small and stay consistent.

At any point in life, we can get into the rabbit race where the hare takes off and goes like crazy and then burns out all of the sudden, and the story goes.

There's a little boy, and he's walking along the beach, and he sees all these starfish.

So, he starts taking the starfish and throwing them back into the ocean because they're stranded on the beach, and the tide has gone out.

An old man goes, "Son, what are you doing?"

And he goes, "Well, I'm throwing the starfish back in the ocean."

And the old man was like, "Dude, there's so many, you'll never make a difference."

So the little boy looks at him, reaches down, grabs a starfish, throws it in the ocean and says, "Made a difference for that one."

He walks a few more feet, picks up another starfish, throws it into the ocean and says, "Made a difference for that one," and continues.

My encouragement to you is to find someone to make a difference for today.

Start small and be consistent, and make a difference for somebody each day.


My encouragement to you is to find someone to make a difference for today.

Start small and be consistent, and make a difference for somebody each day.


Introspection and Empathy


Focus on Your Own Tree