Podcast Transcription
Welcome back to the Impact Driven Leader podcast. This is your host, Tyler Dickerhoof. Glad you're here. If you're watching on YouTube, what's up? How are you? If you're listening, wherever you listen to podcasts, thankful you're listening in, a subscriber, or maybe someone shared this with you a little shout out. Thank you to them, and glad you're here today. Today, I have a special episode that I'm going to share with you. It's titled, what am I learning? Hey, I looked back and we're closing in on the 100th episode of the Impact Driven Leader podcast, and it's a time for reflection, but as I've looked back through the past, some of the more popular episodes are just me sharing what's going on in my life, what I'm learning, or maybe introduction of a new book.
We're going to have one of those in a week or so just sit all tight. You're going to get another one of those and excited to talk about that book. But today, I'm going to share a few moments with you and share what am I learning. I want to kick off and share that. But before I get there, I want to say thank you again for listening, for sharing for the email, comments I get. If you're not subscribed, I have a weekly newsletter where I talk about each podcast. You can subscribe to that at tylerdickerhoof.com. Go to the contact, subscribe to the newsletter. Would love to share that with you, and each, just a weekly, what I'm learning from the podcast guest that I interview. If you're not on that list, make sure you get on that list and share some tidbits.
As well, I want to announce on November 14th and 15th, I'm going to be leading a special workshop, free workshop. There's no commitment to pay or anything, I just ask if you're going to show up, commit to show up, get value, spend time, turn on your camera, do all those things. Again, that is on November 14th and 15th. If you're listening to it after the event, that's right, I might be able to share the recording with you. Send me an email, let me know that. If not, go to theimpactdrivenleader.com. You can get all the details there. Would love to see you in attendance for that special two day event.
Before I get going though, I want to share a little bit about what am I learning in basis of where have I come from. For those of you that maybe have listened for a while or maybe you're just random, I find that podcast listeners sometimes will go through three, four podcasts at a time. There's some people that are routine week by week listeners, and that's great. If you're one of those, I'm so thankful. If somebody shared this with you're just pecking randomly up. Well, there must have been some value. One of the things that I've understood about podcasts is it's very incremental in the time you're at. Where I've come from is in my past. Some of you may know I was a nutritionist for dairy cows. At that point in my career, I thought the most that I could learn and know was about the dynamics of nutritionally balancing a diet for cows.
I look back now and realize if I would've known none of that and learn and implement what I've learned in the last five years, I would've been much more successful. I probably would've impacted my clients even more. So to me as I go through each day and I stop and I reflect and I love to learn about marketing and branding and human psychology, why, because those were areas where I saw a need in my nutrition business. So, as I'm listing off what I'm learning now, a lot of it's been a culmination of that career, the career commodity, consulting to owning a gym, to being involved in network marketing, now spending a lot of time coaching sports with my different kids and interacting there and watching coaches. It's really astounding. I learn more about leadership as I am guiding and speaking for my own ups and downs and experiences than what I think I've really intended. It's what I'm learning now.
Now, part of that is also the amount of information I consume Now, I would be the first one to elicit to you say, hey, the idea of getting ready to get ready to get ready, it's not healthy. Take a little bit in, act on it. Take a little bit in act on it. That's why in part of the Impact Driven Leader book club and round table, that's really the intention once we read books. But it's also like, hey, what are you getting from it? How are you sharing with others? That's big facet of the round table. That's also important for me in what I'm learning every day. I have a daily routine. I get up, get up in the morning, and sometimes I am, yes, I have to admit I spend sometimes a little too much time on my phone. Do you see how I roundabout got to that? That is an area where I'm hoping to clean up and be a little more efficient.
But I have a routine where I sit down and I read from four daily reader books. I watch one to two videos. I am a personal faith. I go through a daily curriculum of devotional. I read Proverbs every single day. I take from that averse and I discern what I learn out of it. Now, why do I do that? I've gotten to that point because I've seen over time my focused effort and into just taking little bit information and reading and reading from others that how important it is to fill your mind with something educational first thing in the morning can really impact you and your ability to impact others. Now, two of those books that I'm reading this year, one of them I've read before, I actually read last year for the full year, and I reread it again, and it's The Daily Drucker by Peter Drucker.
If you're not familiar with Peter Drucker. Peter Drucker is really noted for being the father of management. He wrote the efficient, excuse me, The Effective Executive. Look at that. I get tongue-tied. The Effective Executive. He is an efficient, like effective, yes, remember, there's no cuts here. It is what it is. You're getting it straight up. The Effective Executive is where he really focus a lot of his time. He worked in large organizations. He did a tremendous amount of study. It's awesome to me when I read other experts in management, in leadership, in human psychology, in business, and how many of them take from the lessons that Peter Drucker shared. It's interesting to me because he was such a savant, not only in management, but also understanding marketing in business psychology. I've used a lot of it over the last year to understand what I see going on in businesses I'm connected with, and also evaluating my own experiences.
I see it in the future. It's not scheduled yet, but I can't wait to read The Effective Executive from Peter Drucker to really isolate and identify all those lessons that so many people model themselves by and how they were influenced by Peter Drucker. See, he's influencing me daily. So as I'm sharing here, as I'm sharing on my morning coffee chat that I do live every single Monday through Friday, if you don't catch this episode, you can also catch me for a few, four, five minutes there on LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, the amount of learning, though, continues to show up to me. The other person that I'm reading from this year that I'm gaining a lot of insight from is Robert Green. Robert Green is known for Seduction Power. He has the book, the Daily Laws, and that's what I'm reading this year.
There's times some parts have been better than others where I learned about Robert Green is he actually mentored Ryan Holliday. If you're familiar with Ryan Holliday, Ego is the Enemy, he just has a new book out as well. I continually learn, and there's this real fine line that I see people walk, and that's between manipulation and persuasion. As I learned that persuasion is helping people do what they want to accomplish and do for their own benefit. Manipulation is all for you. Now, in any business, in any trying to earn a profit, make a sale, there is a certain amount of selfishness as I need to make an income to make this viable but it's not just for me. If I do it at the expense of my clients, it's not going to last long. I've owned Force Link, learned that the hard way and seen that.
I talked to a friend this morning who is working on a sales process for people, and they were talking about how well this organization just, they love the mission and the vision and what this organization about. However, the leader, CEO doesn't want to talk to people about that. They want to focus on all the sales, just make sales, get people to buy. My share and experience there is, that's not going to last long. Yes, sure, people will buy for the short term, but it's about what it does for them. It's about the impact. It's about the difference it makes in their life. If someone shared with me, sell the results, not the deliverables, because that's what people are buying, they're buying those results.
Those are all things that, again, I'm learning every day for Robert Green. Here's why, I show up today on this podcast to record this podcast, because I want to offer value. I want to offer from my own experiences, my own failures, my own growth that I continued to try to grow through. Why? Because I believe I'm not the only one that's had to grow through it. I'm not the only one that I believe has had to deal with these struggles and frustrations. A couple times in the last month, honestly, I've had people share with me that man, they're just having a hard time dealing with people. It's like, ooh, I can remember those days. I can remember those days as a nutritionist for dairy cows. I'm like, man, if I just had to work with cows, it'd be so much easier.
I have friends that are in the dairy industry, or maybe they have other animals. What they love about that is they don't like to work with people. This is what I've realized. Every business, every opportunity, every walk of life involves people. Once you understand that, man, life is so much richer because just as valuable, as fun as it can be for me, fun working with animals and just seeing those results. I've seen those results from working with kids coaching sports, to working with executives, to reading off some of the testimonials from the current members of the Impact Driven Leader roundtable, people sharing that they didn't realize they could grow as leaders as much as they've grown over the last year or two years. To see it firsthand to where they can share, they can walk into a room confidently knowing, I don't know all the answers, but I can make an impact here. I can make a difference.
That's the stuff that I've experienced and I get to see. But it didn't happen without intention. It's like, there's nothing that occurs unless you intend it to. If you have a daily routine, I shared a little bit of mine, I also work out in the morning, I also try to spend a little bit of time getting my body ready, that's part of my routine because I've found that I'm much more mentally aware and prepared for the day. See, a growth routine ensures that I grow and don't just end up somewhere. I could just wake up and sit here and say, what am I going to tackle today? There's plenty to tackle. There's enough to do but if now I'm not focusing on areas to grow in specific areas that I want to learn more about, I don't know that I'm going to grow.
The same for you, wherever you're sitting today, I can guarantee without intention of what you're paying attention to and working at a month, six months, shoot even an hour down the road, you're going to end up somewhere, like, how did I end up here? Now, for some people that can be pretty tragic. The adages said a broke addicted distraught person doesn't just end up there. It was one decision after another. And this is what I believe. No place along that pathway are you too far gone At any point you can make the intention to become better and grow. I believe this, that a lot of our fears and insecurities are actually what's holding us back from making that decision. I believe if you address those fears and insecurities, you can reach any vision and any goal with confidence. It's why I am doing the two-day workshop that I noted earlier in this podcast. I want to be able to share my experiences there and help people through that process.
Lastly, I want to go through one attribute that we're focusing on here in October in our book, the My Daily Leadership book that we're reading through as part of our book club and round table. That's this, the value of journaling. I haven't always been one to journal as I shared in the newsletter that maybe if you subscribe to that I struggled with journaling. I struggled with journaling, and if I remember back, it was my freshman year of high school. I failed the first six weeks, I believe, first six weeks, nine weeks. I can't remember exactly what we were graded on at that point, but I failed that because I refused to journal. It was a waste of my time. It was busy work. I didn't enjoy it. But I've also learned this. The author Antonio Garrido that you heard from maybe in one of the previous episodes, he shared that every leader, every great leader journals, and the reason why, it's a way for them to think through the problems they're dealing with. It's a way to give a plan and intention to their day and where they want to grow so they don't just end up somewhere.
As part of the round table we've now been going through several weeks of journaling, and I know for myself and others already where I'm at that it's good to put those things down. It is to hold myself accountable to maybe do reflect back, but it also gives me information that when I'm sharing with people, I'm actually sharing of my experience and value.
Today in our world as we end, get closer to the end of 2022, we're in the fourth quarter, what does our world look like to me? There's a lot of uncertainty. There's a lot of just waiting for that shoe to drop, whether it's political, whether it's government, whether it's energy, whether it's food, whether it's financial. But I also know this, so many people are getting back into a situation of leadership where they're unsure. There's a tremendous amount of uncertainty of how do I lead through this process. I've seen that. I recognize that. I talked to my friends about that and then I realized this, with so much uncertainty, whom do you have to seek clarity? Whom do you have to just share and not worry about what are they going to think about you? Either that they're people that you're leading or maybe you're superiors.
I found that I'm lucky to have a community where I can grow and go through that. I'm lucky to have a couple of those. I encourage you, if you don't have a community like that, to seek one. The Impact Driven Leader community is that. But I also know, hey, may, that isn't for everyone. I want it to be a right fit. I want to be a fit for those that are looking to grow in their leadership. Why? Because they're unsure of what that looks like or they realize they want to be able to and just don't know how to get there. As I end this episode, and again, sharing what I'm learning, this isn't a big commercial, this is just me sharing what amend, but it's also saying, hey, part of the process of me getting to where I am is by the process of what I'm sharing. I'd love to help others find that pathway too.
Thanks again for listening in. Thanks again for being here. I appreciate it. I appreciate all the listeners, I appreciate all the viewers, all the comments, all the emails, all the reviews. Why? Because it lets me know that I'm on the right path of something because all I'm doing is trying to be better yesterday than I was to, excuse me, to be better today than it was yesterday. Let me get this out straight, be better today than I was yesterday with all the intention and the effort to be better tomorrow than I was today. If I maintain that growth pattern at any point down the road, I'll look back, I'll look in my journal, I'll look back to maybe some of the content, some of the videos that I've shared and listened to a podcast and realize, okay, I've grown from that and that's a good thing.
I've taken those lessons and I've put them in my tool bed and I can use them at some point. That to me, is the value of reading the books then that are part of the Impact Driven Leader book club because everyone just layers on each other. I'm going to leave this one last thing, every generation, every generation every generation that you've experienced someone being a part of have faced challenges much like yourself. Now, those circumstances were different, but this is the golden age. It's the golden age to create whatever you want. If you're listening, you have the opportunity. It's just are you going to allow yourself, are you going to confront your fears, your insecurities, all the things holding you back. Why? Because they're just holding you back. That's it because I know you can accomplish more. My desire is to help you get there. My desires help you be a healthier leader so those around you feel safe and empowered to know that they can accomplish whatever they set their eyes and heart and mind on.
Thanks for being here. Appreciate it. Thank you for allowing me to share a little bit of what I'm learning. I hope this brought value to you today. If it did so, I would so appreciative if you shared it with someone. Until next time, have a good one.