Where Do You Find Happiness?

Where do you find happiness?

I consistently see stories of famous or highly accomplished people chasing happiness, whether it's through possessions and money, trips or excursions, or whatever else.

There's only one place to find happiness. There's only one place you will ever find happiness. It’s when you decide to be happy inside.

Be happy with the circumstances you have,  whatever they may be, however dire they may be.

Now, maybe you want to change those, but that's not going to bring happiness. You have to be happy in your circumstances, where you're at now.

So, I encourage you to seek happiness inside. How you display joy does not have to be the same as someone else.

If someone is chasing happiness externally, and you've found it inside, don't feel guilty; instead, encourage them to seek happiness internally also.

I hope you’ll join me for my FREE two-day training event on Removing Fears and Insecurities on April 3rd and 4th from 12:00-2:00 PDT. Register here.


Be happy with the circumstances you have,  whatever they may be, however dire they may be.

You have to be happy in your circumstances, where you're at now.


Stop and Think


The Beginning is About Action, Not About Timing