The Greatest Foe
Our greatest foe in life, the person, the devices, the energy that holds us back from everything we could accomplish, is the voice inside of our head.
That is our greatest foe.
There's no one that can hold you back. There's no one that can slow you down. There's no one that says you can't if you have the willingness and desire to.
Our greatest foe is the voice inside of our head.
And what do you do with that voice?
You can either choose to listen to it and continue to tell those stories or you can choose to say, "Hey, you know what? I'm going to create a new narrative. I'm going to create a different sound, because that's the sound I want to hear."
So my encouragement to you today is to remember, no one can hold you back, no one can put you down unless you let them.
The greatest foe in your life is inside your head.